... Feliz Navidad ... Merry Christmas ...... Feliz Navidad ... Merry Christmas ...... Feliz Navidad ... Merry Christmas ...

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

El Jefe canta en la B.oda B.anquete C.omunion

:-) ... muy buenos días.

No comments,... chiiiiiissssssssssss ... ahora vas y lo cascas :-)))

... unas joyitas ... Imprescindible !!!

Bruce Springsteen and Pete Seeger

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Bruce Springsteen - Live BBC 2006 ... 57 minutos          Pete Seeger - Live Australia 1963 ... 108 minutos

( se accede a los dos videos pulsando en sus graficos )

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The Bruce Springsteen with The Seeger Sessions Band Tour, afterward sometimes referred to simply as the Sessions Band Tour, was a 2006 concert tour featuring Bruce Springsteen and The Sessions Band playing what was billed as "An all-new evening of gospel, folk, and blues," otherwise seen as a form of big band folk music. The tour was an outgrowth of the approach taken on Springsteen's We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions album, which featured folk music songs written or made popular by activist folk musician Pete Seeger, but taken to an even greater extent.

Bruce Springsteen - The Seeger Sessions Live, a video recording of a May 9, 2006 performance in London's St Luke Old Street church, was filmed by the BBC and also broadcast in the U.S. by PBS.

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... thanks to all "from Logroño with love" :-))) ... y a disfrutarlo mientras dure !!!

Salu2, ymmot ;-)

... tenemos 1 comentario.

ymmot dijo... 29 de enero de 2014, 12:08

El 27 de Enero de 2014 muere Pete Seeger a los 94 años ... una de las referencias más importantes del Folk y de la Canción Protesta ... un hombre sencillo con canciones sencillas para el pueblo.

Descanse En Paz.

... "If I Had a Hammer" ... "Si yo tuviera un martillo" ...