El Jefe canta en la B.oda B.anquete C.omunion
:-) ... muy buenos días.
No comments,... chiiiiiissssssssssss ... ahora vas y lo cascas :-)))
... unas joyitas ... Imprescindible !!!

Pete Seeger - Wikipedia Spanish
Bruce Springsteen - Wikipedia Spanish
The Seeger Sessions Band Tour - Wikipedia English
The Bruce Springsteen with The Seeger Sessions Band Tour, afterward sometimes referred to simply as the Sessions Band Tour, was a 2006 concert tour featuring Bruce Springsteen and The Sessions Band playing what was billed as "An all-new evening of gospel, folk, and blues," otherwise seen as a form of big band folk music. The tour was an outgrowth of the approach taken on Springsteen's We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions album, which featured folk music songs written or made popular by activist folk musician Pete Seeger, but taken to an even greater extent.
Bruce Springsteen - The Seeger Sessions Live, a video recording of a May 9, 2006 performance in London's St Luke Old Street church, was filmed by the BBC and also broadcast in the U.S. by PBS.
... thanks to all "from Logroño with love" :-))) ... y a disfrutarlo mientras dure !!!
Salu2, ymmot ;-)
No comments,... chiiiiiissssssssssss ... ahora vas y lo cascas :-)))
... unas joyitas ... Imprescindible !!!

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Pete Seeger - Wikipedia Spanish
Bruce Springsteen - Wikipedia Spanish
The Seeger Sessions Band Tour - Wikipedia English
The Bruce Springsteen with The Seeger Sessions Band Tour, afterward sometimes referred to simply as the Sessions Band Tour, was a 2006 concert tour featuring Bruce Springsteen and The Sessions Band playing what was billed as "An all-new evening of gospel, folk, and blues," otherwise seen as a form of big band folk music. The tour was an outgrowth of the approach taken on Springsteen's We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions album, which featured folk music songs written or made popular by activist folk musician Pete Seeger, but taken to an even greater extent.
Bruce Springsteen - The Seeger Sessions Live, a video recording of a May 9, 2006 performance in London's St Luke Old Street church, was filmed by the BBC and also broadcast in the U.S. by PBS.
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... thanks to all "from Logroño with love" :-))) ... y a disfrutarlo mientras dure !!!
Salu2, ymmot ;-)